Business Builder Academy
Thu, Oct 06
Calling all budding business owners. Go from concept to complete Business Plan in just four weeks!

Time & Location
Oct 06, 2022, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Ottumwa, 334 E Main St, Ottumwa, IA 52501, USA
About the event
CLASS ONE: "Introduction to Small Business and Business Plan Overview"
This class offers basic information on the program, and introduction to entrepreneurship. There will be a complete overview of the business plan. Participants will have a working knowledge of each of the parts necessary to complete the plan by the end of the class to allow for better understanding of topics to be discussed. You will also learn to introduce yourself and your business with confidence and clarity with your personal "Elevator Speech"
CLASS TWO: “How Do You Run A Business?”
Hear the story of a successful entrepreneur. Learn to set realistic goals. Is your idea a business opportunity or an enjoyable hobby? Learn how to describe your business idea on paper so that others have an understanding. In a Business Simulation you will learn some of the challenges of running a business. "Where does the financing come from?" "Who handles the marketing?" "Who develops the logo?" Business Plan Review.
CLASS THREE: "Credit: How Do YOU Score, and How Can You Build It?"
An experienced banker will give detailed information of the impact of your credit score. Many people have been impacted by job layoffs, divorce, medical emergencies, or other life events that have dropped their credit scores. And with the upswing in credit fraud, everyone needs to keep checking. This class will discuss ways to check your credit score for free, how to build and/or repair credit, and alternate sources of funding available. The class will look at local demographics and their impact on economic development. Business Plan and Elevator Speech Review.
CLASS FOUR: "What is Legal? What is Economic Development?"
A successful entrepreneur attorney will unlock the mysteries of business structures and legal terms. This class provides an overview of the types of legal business structures and their pros and cons, types of professional relationships necessary for success, licensing and government regulations. Is your idea a business opportunity or an enjoyable hobby? Learn how to describe your business idea on paper so that others have an understanding. Business Plan and Elevator Speech Review.
CLASS FIVE: "Marketing, Public Relations, and Advertising"
This class discusses how to build your customer base using effective marketing and advertising. Learn from an experienced marketing professional the art of traditional marketing, social media, direct marketing, promotional material, trade shows - most every form of communicating with your audience will be discussed. It will help entrepreneurs understand how to effectively use the available tools, tips, and tricks of the trade to succeed. Learn to fairly price your product by determining the true cost. Business Plan and Elevator Speech Review.
CLASS SIX: "Understanding Financials Statements and Taxes: The Foundations for Success"
This class discusses how to decipher financial documents and discuss the four most important financial statements: Personal Financial Statement, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow Statement, along with "warning signs" to look out for. The class will learn basic bookkeeping and record keeping skills. Business Plan and Elevator Speech Review. Learn from a commercial insurance agent how to protect yourself and your assets. A local CPA will share that you do not have to dread the tax man!
CLASS SEVEN: "Your Business and Insurance"
Do you worry that you have the right coverage?. Everyone has to be prepared! Develop a good foundation for being prepared in case of an emergency. Business Plan and Elevator Speech Review. Learn from a commercial insurance agent how to protect yourself and your assets.
Showtime! We've found the #1 fear of budding entrepreneurs - presenting in public. So after spending weeks in a classroom, and with continuous support of our team, we create a "safe zone" for participants to pitch their concept. Each participant will be provided a maximum of ten minutes to share their story, passion, and business idea with their classmates, and, at the same time, work to convince our panel of judges to fund THEIR business! Learn the importance of Great Customer Service. Graduation follows, with presentation of certificates, photos, and press releases to celebrate another successful class.